safety tips for bringing your cat outside
Dogs are typically easier to train and easier to walk on leashes. That’s why we recommend building a catio or similar enclosure over walking your cat, but if you feel strongly about walking your pet, here are a few things to remember.
Don’t push a resistant cat
If your cat loves being an indoor cat and is resistant to going outside, don’t push them. Not every cat is meant to be an adventure kitty, and that’s OK.
Forcing them to go outside runs the risk of having them escape or getting exposed to any number of dangers they might prefer avoiding.
We also recommend chatting with your veterinarian first to see if they recommend taking your cat outside in the first place.
Make sure your cat is outside ready
Before you head out the door, ensure your cat is up to date on their vaccines and is spayed or neutered. Sometimes owners of indoor kitties get a little lax on vaccines, but now that your cat is exposed to the great outdoors, you’ll especially want them to be protected. Learn more about cat and kitten vaccinations.
You’ll also want to ensure your cat is up to date with their parasite prevention medication that helps protect them from flea, tick, and mosquito bites as well as potentially life-threatening diseases such as Lyme disease or heartworm disease. We've got more info on cats and parasite prevention here.
Get the right equipment
There are special leashes and harnesses for cats available on the market, as well as pet strollers and pet backpacks that enclose your pet inside. It’s no secret that cats often don’t take well to being walked on a harness. They may stand there frozen, lie down, or try to belly crawl.It could take some time, with plenty of treats and positive reinforcement, to get your cat used to a harness, and again, if they’re really resistant to it, don’t push it. As for the backpack and stroller, you’ll want to make sure it has ample ventilation as these items can get hot and stuffy — and please don’t take your cat out in these when it’s hot outside.
Why catios are great
A catio enables your cat to go outside, hear and see birds, and feel the wind on its fur while in a safe environment. Catios are available for purchase, but most people build one to fit their unique specifications. You can watch how-to videos or find catio instructions online.
A couple of considerations when thinking about your catio:
- You’ll want to build on even and cleared ground
- Make sure the catio is built with tightly secured mesh so your cat can’t escape
- Include plenty of areas for shade
- Ensure the catio is well ventilated
- Put it in an area that’s easy for your cat to get into
- Make sure it has great views!