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Brandon Murray, DVM
Chief of Staff

Brandon Murray grew up just down the road in Claremore, OK. He spent his childhood playing sports, getting dirty, and playing with his siblings. After high school he went to undergraduate at the University of Oklahoma. After 3 1/2 years there he attended Veterinary School at Ross University. After graduating from veterinary school he moved to Odessa, TX where he worked for a little over a year before returning to Oklahoma. He has been in Oklahoma every since working in a couple different clinics and did several years with Spay Oklahoma where he performed thousands of spays and neuters to help control the pet population. He joined the Banfield team in 2018. He is currently the Chief of Staff at Banfield Tulsa Hills and brings over a decade of experience. Brandon has a wife and two kids whom he enjoys trying to keep up with in his spare time. His special interests are small animal surgery and emergency/critical cases.
About Dr. Brandon Murray