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Chin-Yu Hsieh, DVM


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Dr. Hsieh grew up in Taiwan and moved to the United States when he was in high school. Dr. Hsieh attended The University of San Diego for his undergraduate studies, then attended Western University of Health Science in Pomona, California to finish his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine studies. In his free time, he loves to hike through different trails in Southern California, go to Disneyland and camp. Whenever he has the chance, he will go visit a national park. His goal is to visit every national park on the west coast and ultimately, he would love to visit every single national park in the United States.

About Dr. Chin-Yu Hsieh


University of California San Diego - Biochemistry BS, Psychology BA Western University of Health Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

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Language fluency


Personal interests

Hiking, visiting Disneyland, scuba diving, and camping

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