Banfield locations
Veterinary Assistant

Hey, I'm Esmeralda! All my life, I’ve had a handful and variety of pets who’ve kept me company, saving most of them from bad situations. Being in their lives has plays a big part in my passion for my career and shows my indispensability. As a child, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian. As I got older and went through trying situations, I just didn't see it happening for me at that time. Little did I realize what kept me pushing through every downfall was my pet, Maui. From being an accountant to a daycare assistant, I wasn't feeling that fulfilling sensation you get from truly loving your job. That joy of waking up and going to work wasn't there until I started my career in Banfield. Working here has given me that same feeling my pet gave me every morning to keep going. I can finally say I love my career and mean it!