Banfield locations
Jenifer Itenson, DVM
Chief of Staff

Dr. Itenson graduated from North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2004. She promptly joined the Banfield team in their Wake Forest location just two months after its opening. She has enjoyed being a part of this growing community where she raises two sons with her husband, Gary. They have had the pleasure and sorrow of sharing their lives with an American bulldog and 4 cats who have since passed over the years. However, they currently have an awesome cat who gives kisses, a petite cat who plays fetch, two chinchillas, a ball python, two hamsters, and a turtle who won't eat his vegetables. The Itensons also have the pleasure of being heavily involved in the scouting program in the Occoneechee Council, focusing on their sons' dens and supporting STEM programs.
About Dr. Jenifer Itenson
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
North Carolina
2004 - 2025
She / her
BSA Scouts, merit badge counselor, crochet
2 cats, 1 turtle, 2 bearded dragons, 8 snakes, 1 frog, 1 gecko