Banfield locations
Mary-Kate Kumar, CVT
Practice Manager

I started here in South Boston in 2016 as a Veterinary Assistant, and over the years have become a Certified Veterinary Technician, and most recently assumed the role of Practice Manager. I have a particular soft spot for the orthopedic cases, and am currently working toward my CCAT (Certified Companion Animal Rehabilitation Therapist) through NC State! I have a 9-year-old black lab mix named Lucky, and two cats that I have acquired from the hospital over the last few years: a 7 year old kitty named Marie, and a 2 year old who answers to Fizzy, but is affectionately, legally named: Harry Styles!
About Mary-Kate Kumar
Fear-Free Certified NHVTA MVTA
2020 - 2025
I enjoy reading (love a good fiction novel), travel, live music, and when NE weather permits, I love hiking (with my gimpy old lady, Lucky)!
2 cats and 1 dog