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Sylvia Grove, DVM
Dr. Grove grew up in the Northern Virginia area right outside of DC. She then moved to Blacksburg, Virginia, where she spent five years at Virginia Tech (go Hokies!) earning her BS degree in animal and poultry sciences and a BS degree in biology. She graduated from Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine four years later, specializing in mixed-animal medicine. Her special passion is for wildlife and zoo animal medicine, and she has had multiple externships in South Africa working with wildlife and exotic veterinarians to treat elephants, rhinos, zebras, cheetahs, dolphins, and many other large animals. Her dream is to one day return to exotic and wildlife medicine. In her spare time, Dr. Grove enjoys fencing épée, horseback riding, and spending time outdoors in nature with her Golden Retriever, Lilly. She is very active in her church and community, and loves volunteering for spay and neuter clinics whenever she can.
About Dr. Sylvia Grove
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
2012 - 2025
1 dog