Declaw position statement

What to know about cats and claws
Scratching is a normal feline behavior. It maintains claw motion for hunting, sharpens the claws and removes claw sheaths, stretches muscles, and provides stimulation for a cat's eyes and nose.
Banfield does not support elective declawing.
Each medical procedure supported by our practice has been put in place with the health and wellness of pets in mind. Based on this, we do not support the elective declawing (removal of normal digits) of any animal.
Current evidence does not support the use of elective declawing surgery as an alternative to relinquishment, abandonment, or euthanasia. Our position aligns with the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) 2017 Declawing Position Statement and current bans in various US cities and municipalities.
Procedures relating to declawing include any elective onychectomy, digital flexor tendonectomy, or phalangectomy involving all toes of the front and/or back feet. There are no current surgical techniques or protocols that would create an exception for an elective declaw.
Surgical removal of toes or nails can only be performed when medically necessary as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to relieve pain or illness. If a medically necessary declawing procedure is to be performed, the providing medical team shall review the surgical procedure with the owner, including outlining all possible complications and post-operative care.
Banfield also requires that any surgical procedure be performed only with the medically appropriate use of anesthetics and analgesics and adherence to careful surgical and post-surgical protocols.
The above guidelines do not apply to the removal of dewclaws.