Info on fleas and pets

A shaggy dog getting treated for fleas

How to get rid of fleas

Treatments for your pet and the environment.

Go away, fleas

A cat getting flea medication

Flea control for dogs and cats (and you)

Because fleas can make life miserable.

Control fleas now

A dog laying on a couch

Flea-borne diseases to avoid

Prevention is your best bet. Spot the symptoms

Common questions

For every flea you find on your pet, 99 others are hiding in your home, car, or yard. Make sure to get your furry friend on vet-recommended, year-round flea control. We also recommend grooming them regularly and doing a deep clean of your home where fleas love to lurk. This includes your pet’s bedding, carpeting, nooks in the couch, under furniture, and floorboard crevices. If this doesn’t solve your bug battle, speak with your vet to come up with a comprehensive plan.

There are a number of ways for fleas to sneak inside and one of the most common is hitching a ride on your dog or cat. Oftentimes, your pet will pick up a rogue flea from outside and bring it in. Once there, a flea can reproduce and quickly multiply by laying eggs around the house. Fleas can also lie dormant in an uninhabited home and come back to full activity when they detect people making vibrations while moving in.

Fleas typically take a few weeks to transition from an egg to an adult and can live for several months. If the environment is not optimal, a flea may stay in the pupa stage (cocoon), which is able to hide deep in carpeting, making it hard to remove with light vacuuming or sweeping. This cocoon can protect the flea for months to potentially years. Which is why it’s so important to use consistent flea prevention and eliminate these pests as they continue to hatch in the environment.

  • Fleas prefer shade and cannot tolerate sun for long periods of time. Make your yard less inviting
  • Mow frequently to expose more soil to the sun
  • Avoid overwatering
  • Treat areas with pet-safe insecticides, especially areas frequented by pets
  • Remove debris piles
  • Deter other animals from visiting (rodents, small mammals, etc.)

There are many great, safe options for parasite treatment and prevention. For dogs and cats, options include monthly topicals and monthly chews. Talk with your vet to pick a product that fits your pet’s needs and lifestyle.

If you’re struggling with fleas in your home or yard, it’s sometimes best to involve a professional exterminator. Their services often come with a warranty, so they’ll come back multiple times if needed. Let them know what types of pets you have to ensure they choose a plan that’s safe.

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