Kitten and owner playing on the floor

5 reasons cats are purrfect

We talk a lot about dogs on this blog, so in this post we want to show a little love to the feline side of domesticated animals. 

Cats have been knocking over glasses and giving us face nuzzles for millennia (seriously, domestic cats go as far back as 10,000 years). They’ve planted themselves with a firm plop as one of the most popular pets in the world, and for those who are cat lovers, it’s difficult to imagine a world without these strange, beautiful, and intriguing creatures. 

Below are just a few of the traits that make cats awesome. 

They’re fascinating

Internet cat videos will show you that cats are pretty clever creatures — from going to the bathroom on human toilets to figuring out how to open doors. Most cat owners will tell you that there’s mystery and intrigue behind their eyes, and you never know what a cat will do next. While they mostly sleep and lounge around the house, their stealthy reflexes allow them to spring into action at a moment’s notice. In fact, cats can run up to 30 miles per hour, a feat cat owners are familiar with when it’s 3 a.m. and their precious pet has the zoomies.  

They’re cute

Whether they’re balled up like a shrimpy croissant or eekeekeekeek-ing at birds outside the window, everything cats do is adorable and precious. Even when they’re batting your face at 5 a.m. demanding food. Or when they knock a vase off the counter. Or when they’re using your brand-new leather couch as a scratching post. All it takes is looking at their sweet furry face and all is forgiven. 

They’re chill

One thing cat owners like to say is that kitties are a lot easier to care for than dogs. Go to the bathroom in a box in the house instead of having to be let outside? Check. Cleaning themselves with their tongue and inexplicably smelling like baby powder? Check. Taking a nap instead of destroying the house while you’re away? Check, check. Giving a stranger in their house the side-eye instead of barking uncontrollably? Check, check, check. For the most part, cats lounge around the house, surveying the lay of their land and offering their humans the occasional love butt or nose nudge. 

They’re independent 

Most cats walk a fine line between being loving or completely and utterly independent. Common wisdom says that you have to earn a cat’s love, and it’s true. While most dogs will give you sloppy kisses the second they meet you, cats take a while to size you up. They will give the appearance of silently judging you for days or maybe weeks at a time, only to one day get up, walk over to you, plop on your chest and give you the best and most loving hug against your face.  

They’re fun 

When we think of playing fetch or hide-and-seek, we mostly think of dogs, right? But cats can be just as playful and curious as dogs. Games that are particularly fun with cats include watching them bat at a tablet screen, dangling a feather teaser in front of them, or watching them try to figure out a treat maze. But kitties offer fun and hilarity even in the smallest of moments — zooming up and down the stairs, trying to steal your pizza, making biscuits on your stomach, fitting themselves in small spaces, or staring intently at nothing on the wall. 

Happy International Cat Day to all the cats who make the world a more enjoyable, furry, and fun place! 

