basic kitten and cat first aid
What to put on a cat’s wound if they’re hurt or bleeding
A sick or injured cat needs immediate emergency veterinary care. Be prepared with a simple pet first aid kit and emergency vet numbers on hand — basic first aid can help make dangerous situations potentially less life-threatening and buy you valuable time as you rush to emergency care. Here’s what to know, do, and expect.

What should I have for first aid for cats?
Keep the number of your local emergency veterinary hospital on hand so you can call for immediate advice. Clean, nonstick bandages and towels can be used to wrap wounds or swaddle your cat. If you have a hard-sided carrier, remove the top so you can easily place your cat inside.
See more about making a pet first aid kit
Warning! Human painkillers can hurt or even kill your cat. Never use human pills, ointments, disinfectants, or adhesive Band-Aids unless explicitly directed by your veterinary team.
What should I do if my cat is hurt?
Contact your emergency vet immediately. They can give you specific firsthand advice, and even prep their gear if they know you’re coming.
Gently swaddle your cat in a blanket or towel to help keep them warm and contained — you don’t want your hurt and frightened pet doing more damage by struggling or trying to get loose. Make sure they feel fully supported at all times. Try to keep one hand near their chest and the other supporting their hind end.
- Bites, cuts, burns, and wounds: Don’t try to probe the wound or do a deep clean. Remove any sticks, leaves, or chunky dirt around the wound and rinse with clean water. If the wound is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean towel or cloth. Get to the vet as soon as possible — most wounds need surgical care and stitches, and infection is a real and immediate real risk.
- Broken bones: Keep your cat warm and contained. Don’t try to splint the break yourself — leave that to the vet.
- Choking: Never try to get anything out of your cat’s throat on your own. If you suspect choking, call your vet or get to emergency care.
- Eye injuries: You can try a saline rinse to remove any loose debris, but your best bet is immediate veterinary care.
- Heatstroke: Cats that have been left in hot cars or rooms can overheat (don’t do it!). Look for panting, drooling, and collapse. Don’t try to treat it — get to your vet.
- Poisoning: Don’t wait. If you suspect poison, call the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680. See more about pet poisoning
- Seizures: Don’t touch your cat or try to grab their tongue. Clear a safe area around them and contact your vet as soon as possible, even if they seem fine afterward.
- Shock and internal bleeding: Blunt trauma, like a bad fall or car accident, can cause incredibly dangerous internal bleeding or life-threatening shock. If you spot lethargy, panting, coughing up blood, a distended belly, or pale gums, rush to emergency care.
Remember, safety first! Take care to minimize hurting yourself or others, and make sure that the situation is free of any danger to you and your pet. A hurt, scared cat may strike out even at people they love. If your cat is sick or unvaccinated, you want to be very, very careful to avoid touching contaminated body fluids or blood — and always mention these concerns to your emergency vet team.
How Banfield can help
In an emergency, please contact your local veterinary emergency hospital.
Chat with a vet online: Every Optimum Wellness Plan® (OWP) comes with Pet Chat™, which gives you 24/7 access to live general veterinary advice via text. Chat now
Urgent care advice: Call your veterinary team during hospital hours for urgent care advice. Find a Banfield location