take care of tummies

Stomach issues can be a serious problem.

Make sure to keep an eye on your dog or cat’s tummy — especially around the busy (and delicious) holiday season.

The lowdown on tummy troubles

Signs your pet is having a stomach issue and how you can partner with your vet to help.

Read the blog

Diagnosing and treating upset stomachs

Michael Piccione, DVM, shares Banfield’s approach to tackling tummy troubles.

Watch the video

Less stress = happier holidays

Anxiety can cause tummy issues like diarrhea or a change in appetite. We’re here with helpful info on how to support your pet (and stay calm!) during hectic holiday times.

A cat and dog laying next to each other on the floor

Minimize pet stress during the holidays

Tips on helping your pet stay calm amidst the festivities. Stay away, stress

A woman carrying her cat in a carrier

Holiday petcare: how to choose between pet sitting or boarding

The pros and cons of hiring a pet sitter versus boarding. See what's best

Holiday belly hazards

The holidays come with more opportunities for pets to get into risky things. And, unfortunately, their stomachs can take a hit.

An orange cat laying on string lights

Holiday pet safety: the dos and don’ts of decorating

Popular holiday decorations that are toxic for pets. Here's what to avoid

A dog bumping its nose on an ornament

Paws off the pine: keeping your pet safe around holiday trees

Holiday trees and plants that can cause GI distress. Find out more

A dog looking at its owner through its legs

Thanksgiving foods your pet can eat (and NOT eat)

Most holiday foods aren’t meant for pet tummies. See the list

A cat and dog dressed for the holiday season

Homemade holiday treats

Include your favorite furball in the holiday fun. Get the recipes

Gut health guidelines

Gut health is important year-round. Here are some basics on helping your furry friend’s belly stay in tip-top shape.

A dog laying by a full bowl of food

Ways to improve your pet's gut health

Helpful tummy tips from Banfield veterinarian Heidi Cooley, DVM. Read the blog

A cat looking outside a litter box

Everything to know about your pet’s digestion (but were afraid to ask)

The scoop on dog and cat poop, pee, and diarrhea. Get digestion details

A dog sniffing a carrot from its owner

4 ways to improve your dog’s diet today

What your pup eats is important. Level up their diet

An Optimum Wellness Plan helps support tummy health

Illustration of an owner with pets at a Banfield hospital

Staying on top of your pet’s gut health involves regular wellness exams and parasite control (on top of watching what they eat!). An Optimum Wellness Plan (OWP) makes things easy by packaging up these essential petcare services and letting you pay in convenient monthly or yearly installments.

Each OWP also includes fecal testing (often a requirement for boarding), as well as discounts on most medications and services not included in your pet’s plan.

Learn more